And so, a New Year is upon us.
Do you wonder where the old year has gone? It’s been said said that minutes draw out, while years speed by. And the question I ask myself is How… How did I spend my time? Turning away from guilt, looking at the very real challenges, I take stock- where did I grow well, and where does God want to bring light?
And so, as I look forward to the beautiful messyness of life- my life- for my journey is not to be compared with another’s- I seek to pursue balance, and allow God to move me forward towards greater wholeness- in spirit, mind, and body.
There is a time when reflections on what came before can teach how to live well through what’s to come. And so I share thoughts that ruminated across my mind in seasons past. For more life lessons that came before, take a stroll here. And as the New Year dawns, with abundant Grace, let us let go of regrets and seize our tomorrows, whatever they bring, remembering we are Held in the hands of the King.
~Just me
An Invitation:
Shadows- or Light?
I lay still, blinking out light. Lenses focus on the fan, blowing shadows across the ceiling. But wait. As slumber recedes I find the gift. If I watch purposely, I see not shadows, but prisms of light. Perspective shifts as I reframe the gutteral response to the coming of day. My life too, holds this promise. I must seek new meaning, letting go of the language of death and learning the tongue of life. Words are powerful; what I tell myself shapes how I interpret what is real. This is not merely determining whether the glass is half full or half empty. I must shake off emotional slumber, retrain my critical eye to grasp new understandings. Will I choose to focus the lens of my life on loss or on gifts? As I seek healing I understand that now is the time to lay down disappointment, ways I feel wronged. It’s time to determine to see the good. I need not look far, for there is much goodness to behold. For every shortcoming surrendered there is life and goodness to be found in abundance.
Determination is the key. If I determine to reframe, to focus now on the good, new life will well up within me. It’s time to push past the old tapes that play in my head, and turn away from negativity. It’s imperative to turn a deaf ear to the enemy of my soul. As I seek to stamp out the old way, he whispers only lies from before. New eyes will seek truth, focus on moving forward, not wallowing in woundedness. What has shriveled in me can grow anew-when I invite grace to rain down. Hope and healing are found in the well watered place, but to see, I must watch for the light. No excuses. Do I want to walk in truth?
Determination is the key. If I determine to reframe, to focus now on the good, new life will well up within me. It’s time to push past the old tapes that play in my head, and turn away from negativity. It’s imperative to turn a deaf ear to the enemy of my soul. As I seek to stamp out the old way, he whispers only lies from before. New eyes will seek truth, focus on moving forward, not wallowing in woundedness. What has shriveled in me can grow anew-when I invite grace to rain down. Hope and healing are found in the well watered place, but to see, I must watch for the light. No excuses. Do I want to walk in truth?
Learning the lifestyle of gratitude requires practice– a conscious decision to focus not on shadows, but on light. It’s not yet second nature, but I hope it can be, through time and determination. And then,then my life holds promise, transformation of mind and heart begun through gratefulness. It’s time to move out of the shadows and embrace the prism of Light.
~Bekah (Of Ladies By Design)